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Haiti Devastated by Hurricane Jeanne
By Gale Hull
Oct 2, 2004, 20:10

September 28, 2004

Dear Friends of Partners in Development,

I assume that most of you have heard about the tragic effects of the hurricane in Haiti. Although the people in our program in Port au Prince are safe and were uneffect, the people of Gonaive are in terrible shape.  No one is sure of the total number of those dead. Aid is extremely difficult to get in and distribute. The sickness and disease that will come with the flood waters and the dead bodies will be devasting.
I received many calls and emails from PID sponsors who wanted to help. So  I called Torchon (OUR HAITIAN FIELD DIRECTOR). Before I ever asked him anything, his first words were, " Gale, Haiti is having a terrible mess. I am going to Gonaive tomorrow to see how we can help. You can call me tomorrow and I will talk to you from their and give you a report."
I am so thankful for this dedicated man and his love of God  and the Haitians and his desire to serve. Pray for his safety.
If anyone would like to send a donation for the hurricane victims in Gonaive please send with a memo (for Gonaive) to

Partners in Development
P.O. Box 9
Ipswich, Mass. 01938
Thank you ,
Gale Hull, President
Partners in Development, inc.

itsislandtime > Some Facts and Links > PID Haiti Project Report > Haiti Devastated by Hurricane Jeanne