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Medical Building Progress
By Peter Marecka
Jul 30, 2004, 22:25

In April, PID continued work on the medical building which is set for completion by January 2005. The building would have been completed by the original plans in July 2004, had it not been for the coup and Haiti's political situation. Since then, PID has or will send teams down throughout the month of July/August to resume work on the medical building, among other projects. Since the teams have resumed work, more information, pictures, and updates will be available.

The medical building will have 10 rooms and cover an area of 52x52 ft. It will feature three exam rooms, two offices, two dental rooms, a lab, a pharmacy, and a kitchen. The foundations and footings are built very strong, strong enough to add a second story if necessary. By completion the building will run on a 150 ft. deep well, and solar power for energy resources. A PID intern from Antioch College is currently working on grants to fund the solar project. The center of the building will be a courtyard, serving as a waiting area during office hours. During closed-hours the courtyard will offer classes on preventative, and nutritional care.

Though the medical building is not yet completed, the medical program still exists and continues to work with flash lights, and makeshift tables in houses and any rooms useable. PID has begun networking with clinics that are willing to provide free-care for more complicated medical issues. PID is excited for the completion of the building because it will create a stable work place and a better atmosphere for workers and patients.





itsislandtime > Some Facts and Links > PID Haiti Project Report > Medical Building Progress